Resultados de la búsqueda

    4 Resultados
  • Rajan Naik - Senior Vice President, Strategy and Ventures - has a Engineering Doctor from Massachusetts Institute of Techology and Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Cornell University.
    Motorola Solutions - Telecomunicaciones - Estados Unidos
  • Rajan Naik - Director - has a Engineering Doctor from Massachusetts Institute of Techology and Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Cornell University.
    CSG International - Comunicación & Ventas - Estados Unidos
  • Rajan Naik - Director - has a Engineering Doctor from Massachusetts Institute of Techology and Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Cornell University.
    Evolv Technology - Seguridad - Estados Unidos
  • Rob Ward - Co-Founder and General Partner - has a Master of Science from Massachusetts Institute of Techology and Bachelor of Arts from Williams College.
    Meritech Capital Partners - Fondo - Estados Unidos

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